But.... Happy Holidays!! and
The last 2 months have been bad weight wise. I have gained 12 lbs since July. And I have not really worked out since before thanksgiving.
I blame no one and no excuses for my behavior. All I know is I have to get it under control before I end up back at 275.
I don't have a lot to share. Here are a few pictures.
We had some Halloween fun and watched some scary movies!
Dressed up and decorated!
Went to basketball games
Decorated for Christmas....
Sat by the fire....
Looked at the lights...
Baked Holiday goodies!
Prepared Christmas Dinner...
Learned important things...
Remembered 2013...
That is the last 2 months in review.
This mornings weight... 219.4. Up 11 lbs. since July.
I am struggling getting into a routine with work. Finding time to workout has proven to be challenging. I was working out in the morning but we have been busy at the garage so I am needed there earlier.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to manage my time better? My thoughts are to join a gym and workout in the afternoon. I think I can leave for a couple of hours to do this.
I am also looking into a gym membership. My choices are 24H fitness or Bally's. What do you prefer? and why? Bally' is a cheaper membership. 24H fitness has the whole 24 hour thing.
I will not be defeated! I will not give up. I will overcome this setback and prevail!
And no! I am not going to make a New Year's resolution I will not keep!
Thanks for stopping by!