The good news.... I have been working out pretty good I think. Wednesday I walked/ran 3.15 miles. I woke up late and it was super hot by the time I got out there and I just couldn't run. Thursday I decided I needed to change it up a bit instead of doing the same normal stuff I have been doing, so I decided to work out on the elliptical and do some Zumba on the Wii. I've been cooking between 400 & 600 calories a day.
Last night we went to the drive in. It was fun! We saw Man of Steel, World War Z, & Star Trek Into the Darkness. I think out of all 3 I liked Star Trek the best.
We had quite the light show too! It started storming. This is actually how bright the lightening lit the sky. It was dark like 11 PM dark when this happened!
OK Now the bad news, My eating has SUCKED!! I have totally been sabotaging myself so all my working out isn't doing any good. BLAH!! I have had so much candy and cake and what ever else this week. June has been a bad month. I have not seen the scale move since the end of May. And after this last week I think the first movement I have seen is in the wrong direction. As a matter of fact I am not expecting good results on Monday for weigh in. I expect a 2 -3 lb gain. :( Yes I have been bad!! Need to get back on track and I intend to start tomorrow! Not going to quit, I will keep on keepin' on!
Since I have been out of work I have been having a hard time getting a new routine down. I have been working out in the mornings rather than the afternoons or evenings, and I don't swim regularly like I was doing since the pool is not close to my house. We do have an outdoor community pool in my development I can use weather permitting. And I have not been drinking all of my water either. My schedule is totally messed up right now. I need to use this next week to try and get it all figured out. Now that the running around and events are over I am hoping to regroup. Any suggestions? Always appreciated!
OK Enough for tonight! I need to get to reading your blogs!!
Cheers and Happy Saturday night!