Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tell me this is not possible!!

OK Scale whore here! So naturally I have to weigh myself everyday because it is like a bad addiction. Yesterday morning before surgery I was about 217- 218 today when I weighed I was at 224. Please tell me I did not gain 6-7 lbs since I had surgery yesterday!!! I have basically had 4 bowls of soup chicken and dumpling soup (homemade by mom), 1/2 c applesauce, a protein shake and a 1/2 brownie in the last 2 days.

Please tell me this isn't possible!!! :-(


  1. It is totally fluid retention, which is very common right after any surgery. Drink lots of water and don't stress about it :)

    1. Ugh thank you! I couldn't believe it when I got on the scale today...

  2. Surgery plays havoc with your body and your weight! You will see it go down rapidly as your internal swelling subsides!

  3. Absolutely agree with everybody else. If there was ever a time to completely ignore the scale, it would be for at LEAST a week after any major surgery. You'll recover!

    1. Thanks Anna! so glad to hear this is the case!

  4. Yes, to what everyone says above. You ate salty soup and retained water. Think about it calorie-wise. It takes about 3500 excess calories to gain a pound. Because you didn't eat that many extra calories, your body is just retaining water for other reasons.

    :-) Marion

    1. Thanks Marion! I appreciate the reassurance! :)

  5. total fluid retention from surgery...I would keep off the scale for are headed into bandster hell which is that time after surgery until you get a couple fills in you...good luck you got this!

    1. Strange. Seems like everyone has fluid removed prior to surgery. they didn't take any out of my band. At least that's what they told me. I have to schedule a follow up. Thanks for the reassurance Jenn!
