Monday, May 13, 2013

Mad Monday Weigh In and Weekend update....

And my results this week are 0! No change from last week. This was expected. Although I did see a slight ray of hope when the scale flashed 209.8 Saturday morning. Discouraged, no not really. I didn't really work out much this last week and I ate a ton of sweets this weekend. Including a trip to DQ.... So no surprise but glad I didn't gain.
So my totals are:
64.0 lbs down since 8/22/12!
49.4 lbs down since surgery on 10/15/12!

I do have to say though, I think I am retaining water. The weather is getting warmer and my rings are feeling tighter. And I totally did not drink enough water this weekend!

Saturday was beautiful! It was like 70's here and I was loving it! I got up and tried to do my run and just couldn't do the full 5K. I still went 3 miles, but I only ran about 2.25 and walked the rest. And I didn't run that 2.25 all at once. It was broken up. I think I'm going to try again this afternoon. Still good that I was doing something besides sitting all weekend!
The hubby and I also took the bikes for a ride Saturday! I absolutely love being on my bike. My mind is clear and I think of nothing else except the road in front of me. We only went about 50 miles but it was relaxing! We stopped for lunch at Bakers Street Pub where he's been wanting to try and then headed home. We shared 2 deserts and brought 1/2 of those home. (Shouldn't have done that!) Then we headed home and made burgers for the kids. I was totally not hungry. But I ate a burger anyway. Just the meat but none the less I ate and I wasn't hungry. My daughter polished off the rest of the deserts we brought home thank goodness.

Unfortunately the stress that blew off of the bike came back when we got home to find that my nephew had kicked his soccer ball into our front window. So now we have to replace that! Luckily it was only the outside pane and the windows are double paned. Just not something I needed right now on top of the dreaded court costs I am expecting next week when we go to court with my daughter for her bad decision.

OK Fast forward to Sunday! Mother's Day kind of has an entirely new meaning for me this year. I am not sure what exactly it is but I think it might be the new appreciation I have for my kids and my immediate family.

I got up around 9 and got in my workout clothes, I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical and then did some bicycle crunches and a core workout that uses an exercise ball. Not sure what those are called. According to the elliptical I went about 3.4 miles, and I know the calorie burn is a bit off of what it says.
I wasn't really expecting much of a Mother's Day after this last year, but I was VERY surprised. My kids (including my nephew) were so creative this year. And I cried, this year felt so different and meant so much more. My daughter's painted and baked, (my nephew helped! He was sure to point this out. He took credit for the Superman cup and magnet too! LOL) My youngest painted the vase and flowers and my oldest painted the quote. It reads "Every child's story begins with a Mother." And the card said how wonderful they both thought I was and how thankful they were to have me over this last year. Instant water works! My nephew even hugged me! I was floored.
On top of all this, my husband got me a sweet card and a gift certificate to Michael's so I can go buy painting supplies to get started. There was a lot of thought put into this year.

I wore a dress for the first time ever! The only other time I have worn a dress was when I was in weddings. My daughter's even commented and said "WOW Mom You're wearing a dress! I have never seen you in a dress!" My knees don't look ridiculously fat either. I know it's not a form fitting dress, baby steps people :) LOL.
We were headed to my mothers for Mother's Day. It was the first time since 2009 that there has been peace in our family for Mother's Day so we all got together. The first time in that long that my sister was clean, sober and wanting to be a part of our family. I made sure to bring my camera so we could document the occasion. I don't know if I will ever like pictures of me like this. I still look huge!
All in all it was a good day. When we got home I took my daughters to the store and my oldest got some permit driving time in. We were talking in the car and I apologized to her for flipping out when she got in trouble for shoplifting. She said "Mom, don't be sorry, you have every right to react the way you did and I take full responsibility for it. I would have reacted the same way if it was my daughter." And then later when I was telling her she handled the criticism from the family well during our Mother's Day dinner she said, "I'm in no place to argue with anyone. What I did was wrong." While I don't condone what she did, I am proud of her and happy with the realizations she has come to over this. It does show me that she is growing up and I don't believe we will have an issue like this again.

Later that night right before I went to bed, my youngest daughter posted this on Facebook.

It was a very emotional day for me. And I saw things differently. It was like I was on the outside looking in. I am still me and nothing has really changed. I will still have my rants, and lose my temper, and the kids and the hubby will still drive me bonkers. But maybe, we have all matured a little more this year. It was a good day.

I am making changes and working on me from the outside in, sometimes simultaneously. I even got braces last week for the second time in my 40 years. They are a little sore :)
So I will continue to search for that inner peace that we all seem to be looking for. But for now I will celebrate what I consider my first step in the right direction. Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. Oh Chris I loved reading this! You are so authentic, and I think that is what our kids relate to - not that we are perfect, but that we love them, and we don't give up on them or on ourselves. I'm having some challenges with one of mine, too, and I can so relate to a lot of what you say! I love for you that you felt really loved, seen, appreciated by the kids and family, and that you had a moment of peace in the extended family. I'm so happy you wore the dress - you look beautiful - obviously so much more beautiful that you can see yourself yet!! - you need to keep wearing more, as you are comfortable. :-) Keep taking care of you - that is just the best example for your kids (and I preach that to myself every day, too!)

    1. Thank you Cheri! It's so nice to see this happening. I hope your challenges ease up and get better quickly.

  2. Im so glad that you had a nice mothers day. and from what I am reading you are rasing those kids right. Its ok to make mistakes, just make sure to own them and learn from them
    sorry the scale stayed put, but its better than a gain- here's to every day being a new start

    1. Thanks Deirdre! I am glad to see that she learned something. It sure seems like it! Here is to a new day!

  3. What a lovely family picture! Regarding your bicycle ride..." We only went about 50 miles but it was relaxing!" I'm going to tell my wife that one when she gets home. We'll both have a good laugh. The most we have ever done together is 12 miles. 50 miles is an awesome accomplishment!!

    1. Hi Marc! It was 50 miles on a motorcycle. Not a bicycle. Sorry should have clarified :)

    2. Ha-ha on me. I remember now seeing motorcycles in a previous post - I am duhhh. Pay no attention to the old man in the corner. I'm leaving now:)

  4. Hi Chris! Well, you look great, and your dress looked nice! The family photo is very nice.

    I have weeks where the scale doesn't do what I want either. Often, it is just the food I ate the day before had too much sodium in it.

    :-) Marion

    1. Thanks Marion! I do think I had a lot of sodium yesterday and I didn't drink all my water! But none the less my food choices weren't great :) I will do better this week :)

  5. It made me smile so hard to read this entry and hear about your Mother's Day. I am so glad the kids came together and were so appreciative. Parenting is TOUGH and I love reading about how you work with your family and the grace you've shown!

    You look adorable in that dress, you should feel SO GOOD about it!!!

  6. I'm glad you had a great day! You should replace your profile pic with the shot from the bottom of your post. You need to show you SMILING! You look so gorgeous and happy!

  7. Great job!

  8. I am so happy for you..the family picture is great and I love what your daughter said to you...and I think you look adorable with your new braces!

  9. So glad you have a nice Mother's Day! I had braces as an adult too, and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself.

  10. Some weeks, maintaining is a real victory. So glad you had a nice Mother's Day and found some new meaning for yourself and your family.

  11. I hope it's not too late for me to wish you Happy Mother's Day. I agree with Connie - maintaining is a victory. The week when I'm not consistent with my diet and workout, I really hope that if I'm not losing weight, at least I still maintain. Not gaining weight is a good thing. :)

