Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Good Day!

Today was a good day! After yesterday I am totally happy with today! My food choices were good and I swam hard today. I feel so much better. Even got almost 100 oz of water in today!

The queso was pretty good. It heated well too. I am going to work on it some more. It wasn't earth shattering but it did go well with the broccoli and cauliflower. This is where I started.

And I paid special attention to my body signals today. I noticed a sigh today and I stopped there. I had no stuck episodes which was a relief! So I am going to keep paying special attention to see if this is actually a signal. I noticed a small burp too. This is what I left. (I'm trying to work on the "clear your plate" mentality, it is OK to leave food on the plate.
I even had desert tonight! I think I read this on a South Beach blog years ago. But it's like eating a peanut butter cup only way better for you! 1 Fat Free fudge bar with 1 Tbsp chunky peanut butter.

Nutritional value per serving:
Calories: 175
Fat: 7.5 grams
Sugar: 19.5 grams
Protein: 7 grams

I finished the day at 1000.62 calories not including the 200 I burned at the pool. Here are today's totals. Pretty good I think!

Calories: 1000.62
Fat: 19.99
Sugar: 61.54
Protein: 77.52

Happy Tuesday and thanks for being such awesome inspiration!


  1. I love when you can make awesome, delish desserts without the calories! Peanut butter cup is a definite win!

  2. mmm that fudge peanut butter thing sounds awesome!

  3. It's nice how one good day can make you feel soooo much better!

  4. hmm, I have some fudgey pops in the frezer and peanut butter in the panrty- I may have to try it.

  5. I love that you are listening to your body!! Great job - being a long time member of the clean plate club, it's a tough one for me to listen to my soft stop, but if I do, it's always a win. : )
