Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I could have done better!!

UGH!! Today was a crazy day. We spent the majority of the day at our rental property trying to get it together to rent out again. The previous tenants destroyed the house and it has been a huge challenge trying to get it rentable again.

I started the day with a protein bar, then totally forgot about drinking any water. I am only at about 30 oz today. Not good!! Totally skipped lunch and had like 6 mini donuts instead. Then off and running more errands. Pizza for dinner around 7:30 PM followed by Ice Cream.

Talk about bad choices!!! I feel so full and am totally disgusted with myself. And NO, I did not work out today!

Tomorrow I go back to work. And I will get back on track. The holidays being behind me should help. I seem to be able to stay on track better when I am working rather than staying at home.

I have seen many posts with a word for 2013. So. After thinking long and hard about what this word should be I have chosen:

My word for 2013?? - RESILIENT

: characterized or marked by resilience: as
a: capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture
 b: tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
I will find a way to bounce back! Starting NOW!

And after the way my stomach feels tonight I think I will stick to liquids tomorrow and Thursday!!


  1. Love the word! I also find it easier to stay on track when I'm at work. I've got less temptations, and lots of prying eyes watching me eat. I just know that 2013 will be a great year for us!!

    1. Yes I agree 2013 is going to be the year of change! Positive changes for once! Thanks!!
